City Heights Block 85
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 85.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 85 Lots 25-26-E 50'- erect and operate an amateur photo-develc gar is DENIED to R. B. Worthington, 3592 Dwight St., Res.73230 1/~ Lots 23 & 24 (Ely t) Dwight St.; the addn Permit to Elmer A. Johnson to bld add 1 to be 3'6" from rear lot line. Res. l+oo 91; Lots 23 & 24 (Ely t) Dwight St. with 3'6" Lots 23 & 24 (Ely) Dwight St. with 3 16" side lot line. Lots 47 & 48- Permit 3694 36th St., R-2, Permit to Elmer A. Johnson to bld add 1 rear yd & main not less than 3' side ye Res. No. 471 12, Permit to Mrs. Anna F Johnson to exte1 rear yd; bedrom to be extended to with: Res. No. 600 5/: to Margaret Guglielmo to const res mal Res. No. 8380 7/: Lots 45 & 1+6- Permit to Theodore P. Spring to const duolex the duplex to be served by 8 1 access ct., at 3688 36th St., Cases #1073 & 1074