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Development Services

City Heights Block 87

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 87.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 87 I Lots 4-6, inc.- Permission to H. Gagenstrom to bld a 3rd & 4th house on portions of 3 lots provided the corner house be no less than 8 1 from the property line on Dwight St. and the other house to be setback the average of the corner house and house to the east, with no setback on Bowery St. Res. No. 2326 6/19/l+-? Lots 4,5 & 6,- ZA considered request of BILL A. & SARAH E. BROPHY to constr. a 340.5 sq. ft. addn to an existing one-story, SFD; addition to an existing one-story, single-family dwe 11 i ng; addn. to observe a 61 811 front yd. on Bowery Street where 15 1 is reqd at 3502, 1 Dwight St., Zone R-3000 & APPROVED with conds. C-18904 8/23/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------