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Development Services

City Heights Block 92

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 92.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 92 Lots 13-14- buildings to be erected at least 12' from prop line. Permit to S. Coutches. Res.46267 7/9/28 Lots 33 & S 15' Lot 34, 2 units, Don P. Harmer 8-91 5/29/52 All Lots 35 & 36 & N 10 1 Lot 34, Don Harmer 1 sin fam res in rear of exist sing fam. S-92 5/29/52 Por Lot 15 all of 16 thru 18 & 20' of Myrtle St. clsd adj- permit to Eaiate of fra M. Beekley (C.R. Curr, Executor), to adjust lot line betw 2 houses resulting in 2 lots described as follows: (A) Por of Lot 15, all of Lot 16, & N 20 1 of Lot 17; and (b) Lot 17 exc N 20 1 all of Lot 18 & 20 1 por of Myrtle St. clsd adj. at 3503 & 3515- 37th St., NE cor of Myrtle & 37th Sts., Zone R-2. Case '+875 5/4/62