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Development Services

City Heights Block 96 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 96 CARD 02.tif CITY' HEIGHTS ' CAFID f/,2 Lots 20-21- CONTINUED INDEFINE'l'LY- Request of Edward L. & Kathleen Rooks to convert exist residential care home for five aged persons with 3 bedrooms to residential care home for ten aged persons with 5 bedrooms (facility to be licensed by the State of Calif) at 3517 Central Avenue between Myrtle Ave and Dwight St. Zone R-2. c-11756 4-20-73 Amended_ (Dennise and_ Vivi an Latza)_ 9: 1 8-78________________________________________________ Lot 40- Permit to John T. & Lilia Nelson to const an 18' x 25' TV room, and bath addn to an exs t1'o0-bedrm unit on a lot with one additional unit. The addn is to obs a 3' interior side yard on the north. Eaves to obs a 2' interior side yard and res in 60% lot coverage. 3562 41st Street. Zone R-2. Request DENIED. C-15025. 5-3-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lt l(----------------