City Heights Map N0.1007 Block 8 Card 02
CITY HEIGHTS MAP N0.1007 BLOCK 8 CARD 02.tif CI "rY HEIGHTS, Map No. 1007 BLOCK 8 Card #2 Lots 1 & 2- ZA APPROVED request of GROVER C. & LOUISE E, RUTH to constr. a 136 sq. ft. 1 iving room addn. to an existing non-conforming duplex; addn to observe an 8'street side yard where a 10' street side yard is reqd (existing duplex observes an 8 1 street side yard) at 2543 Boundary Street, Zone Rl-5000, with conds. C-19131 3/21/86 Lots 31-32- ZA APPROVED request of SALVADOR J, & CONCHA LOZANO to use an existing one-story single-family dwelling as a day-care facility for 12 children. Day-care facility to operate Monday thru Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. at 3530 Chamoune Avenue, Zone MR-3000, Mid- city Planned District with conds. C-19230 6/6/86 \.2.