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Development Services

City Of San Diego Industrial Park #1 Card 1

CITY OF SAN DIEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK #1 CARD 1.tif CITY OF SAN' DIEGO INDliJSTRIAL PARK UNIT Ill f)fi~q18 ~.;:ag.,"7_,!, CARD #1 Lots 4 thru 6, 8- Permit to Kyocera International to install 65 sq. ft., 20 1 high ground sign on Lot 4 which is separate from parcel upon which building is situated, but by its virtue of its use for same business may be considered as one use., 8611 Balboa Ave. AGREE# 2090 9-3-75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots S & 6- Request withdrawn by Kyocera International for sign. C-13331 4-8-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Kyocera International, Inc., to erect a 33.25 sq. ft. x 9'-2" hi, I.D. ground sign in addn to 2 other conforming ground signs on parcel; sign to obs 35 1 SB where 50' has been estab, at 8611 Balboa Ave., Zone M-lA. CONDITIONAL C-13,331 7-28-76 Portion Parcel "B"- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Kearny Vi 1 la Office Park Associates to cons tr two 2-story office buildings and provide a 21 wide landscaped strip adjacent to Highway 163 and Balboa Avenue where 10 1 wide landscaped strip is required (landscaping to be provided on public right-of-way on Balboa Avenue), at Northwest corner Kearny Villa Road at Bal~_a 0 Zone M-1B. Conditions. (EXTENSION OF TIME DENIED. 6-6-83 ~,4-. U\:, ~ ~,!.:.- l-'i? ~-1- &'.:l) GASE 16450 NH 11-2-79 I--ro-/1- '-- 5-S/ Portion of Parcel B- Permit APPROVED by ZA to KEARNY VIL A OFFICE PAK ASSOCIATES, to erect a 7 1 high 24 sq. ft. ground sign observing a 0 1 front yard on Kearny Villa Road where 25 1 is required, at 454o Kearny Villa Road, Zone M-lB. Conditions. c-17367 8-28-81 C-16450- BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DENIED THE APPEAL. 8-5-83