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Development Services

City Of San Diego Industrial Park #5 Card 1

CITY OF SAN DIEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK #5 CARD 1.tif CITY OF SAN DIEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK Od,0,3fUN~ l~-li3 J Card. iii Portion of Lot 1- Permit DENIED by ZA to A.P.G. ASSOCIATES to construct a two-story office building observing all yard and parking requirements, but with access to required parking from adjoining lot where access to parking must be from a dedicated street, located in the 4000 block of Ruffin Road, between Aero Drive and Balboa Avenue, Zone M-lB. C-18215 10-21-83 '!he Assistant Zoning.Administrator has considered the request of the EMERSON ELECTRIC CCMPANY to construct a 15' x 15' covered patio for enployees rest area, patio structure to observe 12'-6" side yard where 25' is required, on Lot 3, City of San Diego, Indus- trial Park #5, at 3883 Ruffin!bad 14062 12-28-76 'fl