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C.L. Carr's Addition Block 39

C.L. CARR'S ADDITION BLOCK 39.tif c:' 't~ eAftlii 'A"riti:irrio1 Blk 39, Lots t-2 R-4 (Ord. 12942) suspended for grocery Permit to Albert Rivera above address 2695 Market R <> s, No. 63240 7/2/35 N 50 1 of Lots l& 2- Permit to Albert J. & Margaret Rivera to add 35' x 47 1 to non- conforming store bldg. at 2693 Market St. according to plans on file in Planning Dept. Office, with 25~ coverage, no sideyard, 3' rear yard & no setbac~. Res. #1451 & 1452 4/11/46 N 50' Lots 1 & 2- Extension of time to Albert J. & Margaret Rivera on Res. 1451. Res. 1779 9/26/46 N 50' Lots 1 & 2- Extension of time to Alvert J. & Margaret Rivera on Res. 1452. Res. 1789 9/26/46 Lots 39 to 42 inc. Penni t to Violet Beck to move 'Storage garage from 541- 21st Street to 2670 Island (west of) HM Res. 562 9/13/49 E. 15' Lot 37, all Lot 38, Permit to Hazel and James Battle to move single family res from 745 W. Hawthorne to 2652 Island St. HM Res. 1334 4/1/52 Coo