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Development Services

Clairemont #1 Card 6

CLAIREMONT #1 CARD 6.tif..-..,-..-. --...--.-.-.- CLAIREMONT UNIT #1 00~7~ Lot 49.. AGREEMENT to FRANCES SMITH to construct a bedroom and bath addition to existing one-story, single-family dwelling, at 2703 Burgener Blvd., Zone R-1-5. Lot 3708- AGREEMENT entrance to existing Taylor. AGREEMENT #2902 2-7-83 to convert existing garage to bedroom containing plumbing and outside SFD at 4227 Taos Drive, Zone Rl-5000. Agreement is with Jessie R. AGREEMENT #3171 10/4/84 Lot 89- ZA has DENIED the request of JAROSLAW & BARBARA MACZKA- to convert ecisting 1,191 sq.f. single-family dwelling to a guest house with attached two-car garage, and to construct new two-story, 1,993 sq.ft. single-family dwelling at rear of lot at 2675 Burgner Boulevard, Zone R-1-5. 8-10-84 C-18525- Appealed by applicant to Board of Zoning Appeal. BZA DENIED ZA decision remains in effect. APPEALED to City Council on Oct. 3, 1984. City Council DENIED appeal. C-18525 10-30-84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------