Clairemont #1 (Map 2724)Card 4
CLAIREMONT #1 (MAP 2724)CARD 4.tif CIAIREMONr #l,(Map#e'725) CfJ37~$ S ~~-tidi Lot l44 ~ Permit to Willi8111 N. Adair, Jr, for perm \o erect 171 of 5' high retaining wall obs a 0 1 SB whei::e a max.3' high wall is perm in a l2' estab. SB at 2627 Grandview St., betwn Jellett and Huxley Sts, in the R-l-5 Zone, C-l2,3l8 N.H. ll-l6-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 43- Permit to Edwin & Sharon Leonard to construct a 37' x 14' rec- reation room addn to existing sin fam dwell; addn to obs. a 6'-5" rear yd. where 20' is req, at 4450 Atwell Street between Jutland Drive and Arcola Avenue, Zone R-1-5. C-12,597 5-17-74 Lot 19- Permit to Charles A. & Virginia Nolan to constr lo' x 14' study-den addn to exist sin fem dwell; addn to obs 17.5 rear yard where 20' is req and to maintain exist 21'-6" dining room; addn obs a 16 1 rear yard where 20 1 is req, at 2683 Deerpark St. betw Huxley and Jellett Streets. Zone R-1-5. Cond 'l. ~ 9-/,1-7$1 C-12932 N.H. 12-10-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 56- Permit to Bertha Bishop & Charles Korkegian DENIED for 21 int sideyd on N side but APPROVED 12-1/2' rearyd, at 2759 Burgener Blvd., Zone R-1-5, Condit. C-15724 3/30/79