Clairemont #1 (Map 2725)Card 3
CLAIREMONT #1 (MAP 2725)CARD 3.tif Lot 69 & N of 70- Permit to Thomas w. & Monnie Cooper to erect approx 158 q f't of redwood fence ranging in nt from 5' to 6 on top of existing retaining wall, ranging in nt from l' to 7', obs a 4' rear yd, 0' interior side yds, wnere a max 6 ni retain wall with a 3' open fence on top tbereof is perm in 4 interior side yd & 20' rear yd at 2684 Deerpark St. betv Huxley & Jellett Ste., Zone R-1-5, C-9587 H.H. 11-3-69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 17- Permit DENIED to cnarlotte R. Kittrell to erect (as amended) 56 1 of solid wood fence 6 ni obs al' SB on Huxley St., wnere a max. 3' ni fence is perm within a 5' estab. SB at 2703 Deerpark St., betw Field St. & Huxley St., Zone R-1-5. ~