Clairemont 18 Card 2
CLAIREMONT 18 CARD 2.tif. ~ ' '-.., CLA.IREMONT #18 00cf17.SOO S Card /12. Lot 3919- Z.A. considered appl of Gabriel & Emma Elizondo to build a 22' x 24' fam rm addn to s1n fam dwell wnich is to obs 10' rear yd where 20' is req at 4415 Rolfe Rd betw Don Way & Donald Ave., Zone R-1-5 and nas DENIED as req but APPROVED a 20' x 22' fam rm addn to obs 15' rear yd at closest point to the rear property line. C-10120 10-7-70 AMENIMENT- Case No. 10120- to permit constr of 20 1 811 x 23'10" fam rm addn observ 13 1 811 rear yd, per plans dated 10-16-70, on file in Zoning Div of Planning Dept. C-10120 10-19-70 Lot 3811- Pennit to Rodney and Frances Huberty to maintain 61' of solid wood fence 5' high obs O' street side yd on Donald Ave. where 10' is req and 12' is req in the 20' rear yd when property adjoins front yard of neighboring parcel; at 4195 Donald Ct. betwn Donald Ave and Toch St. Zone R-1-5 Cond'I C-11,955 N.H. 4-23-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 3874- Agreement with Becky and Charles Stead to construct a 2nd story addition to a single family dwelling consisting of 2 bedrooms and bathroom with exterior access from Rec. room below. interior access from main living area. Map #4175 4202 Tolowa st. Zone R-1-5000 A-3692 04-15-87 ZJ