Clairemont #2 Card 4
CLAIREMONT #2 CARD 4.tif CLARIEMONT UNIT NO. i oo;157 5 ~Jl,-/7// CARD{f4 Lot 274- Permit to Marius & Grace Troost to const bedrm batn;rm and den e.ddn to exist sing fam dwell; addn to obs 18' rear yd wnere 20' rear yd is req, 2422 Deerpark Dr. betw Lister St. & Burgener Blvd, Zone R-1-5. GRANTED- condl. Case No. 8689 5/15/68----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 103- The Asst Z.A. has considered the req of William & Yolanda Morken to construct 15' x 26' fam rm addn to obs 13 1611 rear yard where 20' is required, and f I rep I ace to obs 11 1611 rear yard where 20' is required at 4814 Mt. St. Helen's Drive betw Mt. Cresti Drive and Mt. cit-van Drive, Zone R-1-5; and after consideration of the following finding of facts, has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED for a 16' rear yard with fireplace at 14'. Case No. 11459 9-12-72 Lot 75- Permit to Jack and Crnistine DeHaven to install bar sink in recreation room eddn to sin fam dwell at 6321 Mt. Adelbert Dr. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1881 8-20-73 Lot 191- Permit to Eugene & Melba Hays (I) to erect 25 1 of 6 1 high Solid wall to obs 7'4" front yard NBXB where max 31-high wall is perm in 12' est sb; (2) to provide 15 1/2' x 32 1/2 1 recreational-vehicle pking space to obs 7'4" front yd at 2520 Grandview Street. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14436. 7-29-77. Lot 2487- AGREEMENT with SANDRA PETERSON to enclose a garage to use as a living area w/ a door entering said concerted garage from an existing living 3143 Manday Way, Map 2954, R-3000 zone. Agree II 3979 4/22/88