Clairemont #3 Card 4
CLAIREMONT #3 CARD 4.tif CLAIREMONT UNIT //3 DO~,;~.. $ ~-\,0'1 CARD 114 18 Lot 327- ZA DENIED as requested, APPROVED #'s 1 & 2 request of SAMMI, NADIA AND EDWIN AWWAD to complete construction & make additions to a two-story, single-family dwelling, in violation (1) to observe a minimum 11'-0" front setback where 15'-0" is established; (2) to observe a minimum 2 1-11 11 street side setback where 5 1-0" is established; and (3) to observe a floor area ratio of.70 where.60 is the maximum permitted at 2848 Arnott Street, Rl-5000 Zone. C-20863 10-25-91 BZA SUSTAINS AND AFFIRMS ZA decision and DENIES appeal of CLAIREMONT MESA PLANNING GROUP on 3-11-92.