Clairemont #7 Card 9
CLAIREMONT #7 CARD 9.tif CLAIREMONT #7--..I.JO CARD #9 /Portion of Lot 1164- Permit GRANTED to CLAIREMONT RENTAL PROPERTIES, a General Partner- ship, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Commercial Development, located south of Balboa Avenue and east of Clairemont Drive, Zone CN, CP and R-1-5 zones (CN Zone Proposed), PCD #48 5-4-78 AMENDED #1- 2-4-81, AMENDED #2- 12-10-81 (SEE ALSO LOT 11 CLAIREBAL SUBDIVISION) Lot 1173- AGREEMENT- EDNA HINES to construct room addition and exterior and interior access. 3812 Stacy Avenue, Zone R-1-5, Map #2872.- Agreement No. 3136 8/6/84 Lot 115- AGREEMENT to FRANCIS AND RACHEL SAPIENZA to (1) construct a one-story accessory structure attached to an existing single-family dwelling; accessory structure to contain wine room with sink; (2) construct a second floor room, with bath, above the accessory structure but observing required yards for living areas; said second floor room, with bath, having ac access via enclosed stairs to existing first-floor living area, with outside access at the bottom of the stairway, located at 4325 Stacy Place, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3384 10-17-85