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Development Services

Clairemont Church Of The Nazarene

CLAIREMONT CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE.tif CLAIRIM)IT CBtJRCH OP '1'BJ!: BAZARED 0-0~'7~- 00 S 2.42--1713 Lot l- Permit to Clairem.ont Cnurch of ttle Razarene, OWner and Palo Alto Educational Systems, leHee, to use por of exist church bldg for pre-scbool, Monday tnru J'riday betw the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m, wnere sin fam res use only is perm; at 5185 Acuna St. SW of Limerick Ave. Zone R-1-5. Clll.29 4-10-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l