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Clairemont Genesse Plaza #3 Card 1

CLAIREMONT GENESSE PLAZA #3 CARD 1.tif CLAIREMlNT-GENESEE PLAZA #3 CARD # 1 fl Lot 2- Z.A. considered Mobil Oil Corp, purch &.Federated Mortgage Investors, own to construct serv station with (1) 3 pump islandsw/a total of 6 pumps where nor more than 2 pump islands are perm; (2) 1 free-stand, dble-faced, interior lighted, square, rotating, 72 sq ft ID sign, overall ht 28', edge of sign obs 7' SB were 17' rtas been estab, encroaching 3' into req planting strip & 5' into 12' street reservation; (3) 4 area lighters, 1 blue chip stamp & 1 bank of America {or Master Charge) sign attached to 2 of the area lighters, all obs 7' SB where 17' has been estab, encroaching 3' into req 10' planting strip & 5' into 12' street reservation; (4) two 3' x 5' ground price J signs obs 10' SB where 17' has been estab & encroaching 2' into nJll]l:h:&li 12' street reservation, where signs are req to be attached to but not project more than 16 11 beyond face of bldg & signs & lights~.are req to be behind planting strip, estab SBs & street reservation area, at the SE cor of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. & Genesee Ave., zone RC-lA and has (1) DENIED; (2) DENIED as req but APPROVED 10' SB; (3) APPROVE area lighters, APPROVE 1 trading stamp sign, DENY cred card signs; (4} DENY 2 price signs obs 10' SB, but APPROVE 1 at 10' SB condl '41'4/[,'! l>__ 10-1-~, 7__ Sf::-~-sqs_________________________ c-9282_____ 1-29-69__________ Lot 1- Asst. Z.A. considered amended appl of Atlantic Richfield Co., purch & Federated Mortgage Investors, own to const serv sta with (1) 3 pump islands w/6 pumps; (2) 1 free-standi~ 88 sq ft dble-faced, interior lighted, 35' hi ID sign with theipole obs an 11' SB; {.9J 2 area liters obs a O' SB (6,)2 area liters obs an 11' SB (5) two 3' x 5' " price signs obs a O' SB where 2 pump islands with a total of 6 pumps is perm, signs must be att to the bldg, 10' SB is estab on Clairemont Mesa Blvd & 17' SB is estab on Genesee Ave., 12' street reservation is estab on Genesee Ave., & other than ways of ingress & egress, perimeter of property adj to streets must be landscaped for a depth of 10' at the DONTINBED to CARD No. 2 l l