Clairemont Genesse Plaza Card 2a
CLAIREMONT GENESSE PLAZA CARD 2A.tif CLAIREMON'f- GEHESEE PLAZA oo"oq4.oo.:s Card Jl,2Pt 4t Por Lot l & all of 2- Z.A. considered appl of Federated Mortgage Investors & West Loma Dev Co., Inc., owners & Shell Oil Co., lessee to erect retail serv stat with hours of operationffrom 6 a.m. to 12 midnight daily where perm hours of operation are 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily; and with: (1) one 6 1 x 6 1 roof sign; (2) 3 low profile area lighters, one blue chip stamp & one price sign on each street obs O' SB; (3) one 64 sq ft, 32' hi, free-standing, dble-faced, rotating, interior lighted ID sign with pole obs 5' SB, edge of sign. obs O' SB & encroaching on req 10' landscape 1strtp where signs must be att to face of bldg & a 10' SB is estab on Clairemont Mes~lvd. & a 17' SB is estab on Genesee Ave.; & (4) to eliminate 4 1 hi fence separating sefv stat from adjoining property, where. a 4' hi fence is req at 4491 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. betw Genesee Ave. & Dubois St., Zone RC-lA and has made the following decisions: DENIED hqurs of opera t ionj__ (l) APPRODD; (2) APPROVED 3 low profile area lighters on each street obs O' SB; DENIED one blue chip stamp & one price sign on each street obs O' SB, but APPROVED one stamp sign on sign pole & one price ground sign inside sign pole location; (3) DENIED as req but APPROVED one 20' hi pole with sign top of overall ht of approx 28' with pole obs 10' SB, sign encroaching 4 1 into req 10' landscape strip; (4) APPROVED, all conditional. c-8692 1-11-68-i:,. I' k'----------------------------------------------------------------------