Clairemont Heights #1 Card 1
CLAIREMONT HEIGHTS #1 CARD 1.tif 2.2. <.f-iiOC:, ti-ad#1 Lot 85- Permit DENIED to Mid-City- Heights, Inc. to cor.s res with 6 1 setback on Milton St. on SEl.y cor of Miltom & Cecelia Rea-.- 5256 1-2'+-51---------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 112- Permit DENIED to Mid-City- Heights, Ine., to cons res with 51 setback on Milton St. at Cecelia Terrace Res. 5257 1-2'+-51 Lot 102- Permit DENIED to Mid-City- Heights, Inc. to cons with 51 setback on Cecelia Terracw, at Illion St. Res. 5258 1-2'+-51--------------------------------------------------------------Lot 85- See above- Appealed to City Council- z.c. decision sustained CC Res 101294 2-15-51 Lot 85- Permit DENIED to Mid-City ~Heights to cons res & attached. garage with 6 1 setback on Milton St. on SEly cor of Milton & Cecelia 'I'errace Res. 5387 3-7-51------------------------------------------------------Lot 66- Permit to Gorden & Rebecca Prentice to const J-foot tree-standing wall. on top of a 21 retaining wall for a distance of 4' 3" out beyond the SB line at 2046 Garfield Rd. Zone R-1, Conal. Res. 7324 4-15-53 Lot 70- Permit to Gene & Henrietta C. Robertson to maintain a 31 por of the solid board fence on top of the 51611 retaining wall, but the remaining solid fence to be replaced by a 50% open type fence, either wire or wood lattice 1,r