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Clairemont Heights #1 Card 5

CLAIREMONT HEIGHTS #1 CARD 5.tif CLAIREMNI' HEIGHTS UNIT # 1 OO 2. t J z- OO.S 2. 2.. '-(- J I Ot:j CARD #5... Lot 72- BZA DENIED Appeal of CLAIREM'.)NT MESA PLANNING a:MMITI'EE to APPIDVE the reques~ JAMES HASKINS, Nm; BARNEY & BARBARA SULLIVAN, LESSEE to construct a garage attached to a single-family dwelling and to fully convert the existing, partially converted garage; new garage to observe a 6'-0" setback where a 12'-0" setback is established, located at 2019 Cecelia Terrace, Rl-5000 zone. with I!O