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Development Services

Clairemont Manor #3 Card 2

CLAIREMONT MANOR #3 CARD 2.tif CLAIREMONT MANOR #3 OC) 30 I. 3-00- CARD #2 Lot 521- AGREEMENT with MATTHEW B. SCHWARTZ & DONNA M. MUMM to constr. a 32'6" x 21 1 garage with 3/4 bath and outside access, attached to an existing single-family dwelling. Agree. #3370 9/20/85 Lot 382, 11ap #3013- Agreement with Debra Jo Balboa to construct an addition to a single-story dwelling. Said addition to consist of a den, master bedroom w i th w a l k- i n cl o s et, f u l l bath room, and l a u n d r y are a w i th a s i n k. Said addition has access off the living room and separate outside access. 4764 Chickasaw Court, Zone R-1-5000 A-3775 07-28-87 Lot 470- AGREEMENT w/WILLIAM DORDEN to consturct a fmaily room, master bedroom, & bath addi- tion to a SFD w/exterior access through master bedroom & interior access through existing living room. At 4618 Shoshoni Ave, Map 3013, Rl-5000. Agree# 4047 6/24/88 Lot 396- Agreement with Rita P. Hawn to construct a family room addition with full bath and barsink to existing single family dwelling, w/interior access through dining room and exterior access to existing patio, at 4602 Chickasaw Ct,, Map 3013, Rl-5000 zone, Agreement #4010 06-02-88