Clairemont Manor #3 Card 4
CLAIREMONT MANOR #3 CARD 4.tif CLAIREMONT MANOR UNIT NO. 3 003013-00- Card f/4 Lot 47i- CUP AfPR0VED by Zoning Administrator for KENT MORGAN to maintain an existing one~story guestqyarters, currently in violation, attached to an existing one-story, single-family dwelling where such use is permitted by CUP; an existing carport, surrently in violation, observing a 0 1-0 11 setback where 5'-0" has been established: and an existing storage shed, currently in violation, observing a O'O'' east, side yard where 4'-0'' is required, located at 4602 Shoshoni Drive, Rl-5000 zone. C-20639 9/21/91 Lot 482- AGREEMENT with Benjamin and Maria Luna to construct an addition to an existing single-family dwelling; said addition to include family room with 12" x 12" bar sink, one-half bath and laundry room, exterior access from family room to rear yard. Interior access to be provided from existing dining room to new family room, via a 6' x 6 1 opening from existing dining room, located at 4675 Shosshoni Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. A-5082 08/02/91