Clairemont Manor #7 Card 1
CLAIREMONT MANOR #7 CARD 1.tif CARD #1-Lot 778, Permit to Victor A. J. van Lint to constnict patio roof, with posts to obs 3 1 side yard & eaves to obs 2 1 6" side yd (5'req) at 3641 Jennifer St. R-1 zone. Case #2681 7-29-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 734- Pemit DENIED David & Nelda Swingle to const 12 1 x 161 living room addn to exist sing fBlll. dwell obs rearyd of 16 1 where 20' rearyd is req, at 3667 Christine St, betw Jennifer St. & Gaylord Dr. Zone R-1. APPEALED ZA's Decision Sustained 11-9-62 Case #5214 9-24-62 Lot 734- Permit DENIED David L. & Nelda. Swingle to maintain exist fam rm obs 18 1 rear yard where 20 1 is req (See C-5214), at 3667 Christine St. betw G~lor Dr. & Jennifer St. Zone Il.-1-5. Case #6683 8-27-64 Lot 734- ABOVE APPEALED and the appeal was denied & the decision of the Assistant Zoning Adml.hist~ator sustained & affirmed. Case 1/6683 8-27-64----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 747- z.A. considered app or Sam & Betty Vernetti to const a 20 1 x 20' den addn to exist sin ram dwell, addn to obs 10' rear yd, where 20' is req at 3628 Jennifer St. betw Gaylord Dr. & Jennifer St. across from Jennifer Ct. in the R-1-5 Zone and has DENIED the req 10 1 rear yd, but APPROVED the 16 1 rear yd, cond'l Case #9208 4-9-69 a;;;;l{~-iTi> i!J-;JZ"c!S:--g-z;i--""J;;-eAili:-b--"IK,::.----ht~- &::71h_--:;;T-2;:;~-----------,i---L.;j acN d_ Y-- a kl.Ju;/ 0-C/o2C> 9 E-c:2 9- e,, 1