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Clairemont Mesa North #1 Card 2

CLAIREMONT MESA NORTH #1 CARD 2.tif f>_6.S/03- 00.S ~4C,-l'7/J Lot 10- Permit to Wickoa aa4 Svelyn B. Durvia to coaatr a bedrooa 844n (376 aq. tt) to exiat sin t dftll; a44n to ob 161 rear yd wbere 20' 1e N4l at ~ Cobb J> r betv Diaae Ave aDll Boab Way. ZOllllt B-1-5. c-10578 .. 6-16-71 L~t-is:P~r;it-t~-Ri~h~rd_A_&_j;;;i~-o;-1~y-t~-~~~st-ia;-;-27i-fi;;;;dd~-t~-;;ist-sin fam dwell, addn to obs 7' rearyd where 20' req, 4844 Crisp Way, Zone R-1-5 DENIED but APPROVED famrm addn obs 9' rearyd. C-13400 Lot 44- Permit to Lynn M. & Rene' Hijar to const 694 sq. addn to obs 16' rear yd at 4866 Cork Place. R-1-5 Zone. 2-6-78. 12-11-75 ft. fam rm addn to an exs sfd; Conditions. C-14930 NH.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 50- AGREEMENT with NORMA JEAN ANDERSON, to construct a one-story bedroom and full bath addition to a one-story single-family dwelling; said addition to have interior access from hallway adjacent to living room and exterior access from bedroom, located at 4825 Cork Place. Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT A-5349 6/2/92---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~I