Clairemont Mesa South #3 Card 1
CLAIREMONT MESA SOUTH #3 CARD 1.tif CLAIREH:> NT MESA SOUTH UNIT #3 oos-r;,72._-t::> o.S-ZJ'--)1l7 Card #1 Lots 205, 206, '2D7, 208, 220, 221, 222 & 223- Permit to Longford Building Co. to (C-7618) complete const of sing fam dwell on each of lots 2J7, 2J8, 221 & 222, & use for model homes with one 2' x 3' unlighted model identifying sign on each lot; to use lot 223 for recreation and children's play area; to use lots 221 & 222 for tract sales office & display area with one 4' x 4 1 unlighted sales office sign on lot 221 or 222; to use lots 205 & 206 for parking area for customers with parking area to encroach 7 1 into estab 10' setback on Batista St.; to install & maintain a raised letter unlighted sign advertising tract on the face of a 3' high block wall to be erected on lots 205 & 223, sign to project 7' into estab 10' SB on Batista St. & 10 1 intoestab 15 1 SB on Broadlawn St. All the above to advertise a new subd. 11Clairemont Mesa South Unit HJ; all are located closer than 2001 from an occupied dwell but not in same subd, & all are to be maintained for a period not to exceed two years. (Case H7619) to install & maintain for a period not toexceed 2 yrs., a raised letter sign on the face of 31 high concrete block wall with 3'6" high posts encroaching 7' into estab 10 1 SB on Batista St. & encroaching 10' into estab 15' SB on Broadlawn St., & maintain on lot 223 for a period not to exceed 2 yrs. a garden arbor encrkching 15 1 into es tab 15 1 SB on Broadlawn St. (C-7620) to erect 3' high concrete block wall with 3'o" high posts encroaching 7 1 into estab 101 SB on Batista St. & encroaching 10 1 into estab 15 1 SB on Brgtlawn st.; wall to be used temporaoily for sign, where a max 3' hl:-gh fence perm in S area, on Broadlawn & Batista St., Zone R-1-5, condl. Amendea 5-19-66 1 yr. e.. t. to exp. 4-30-69 (4-30-68) (No ext 4-69) 3_ 29-6 6 Cases #7b18-19-20...__________________________________________________________________ 38