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Clairemont Mesa South #3 Card 2

CLAIREMONT MESA SOUTH #3 CARD 2.tif ooa7.2.-oo..s,Z.3(;;,.- I? l1 Card #2 CLAIREMONT MESA SOUTH UNIT #3--------------------Lot 222-Permit DENIED Longford Bldg, Co. to const 22 1 x.51' covered swim:lng pool enclosure and lanai resu1ting in approx 53% coverage where max 40% coverage is perm (See C-7618 & C-7620) pool enclosure and lanai to encroach 15' into req 20 1 rear and 1811 into req 4' side yard on northerly side, at 3908 Broadlawn St. Zone R-1-5. Case H7687 5-18-66------------------------------------------ Lot 195- Permit to D. A. & T. M. Wagner to constr a 26'x 14 1:t'am rm addn to an exist sin fam. dwell; addn to obs all yards that result in approx 43i lot coverage where a max 4Clt, is perm, at 3958 Biddle St. betw The Batista St. and Biddle Court. Zone R-1-5. C-13o63 N.H. 4-1-75-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 193- Permit to Artise G & Mary V Bailey. Jr. to const 15' x 20' livrm addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 17' rearyd where 20' req & result in 41.3% cov where 40% perm 3963 Biddle St., Zone R-1-5. ' C-13373 NH 10-23-75-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 196- Permit to Robert L. & Bi 11 ie S. Clark to to res rn 44% lot coverage at 3952 Biddle Street. 9-23-77. canst 18'xl7 1 rec rm addn to exs sfd Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14606.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 200- Permit to Jon R. & Yvonne C. Salyer to const a fam rm addn to an exs sfd, addn to obs an 18' rear yard and fireplace to obs 17 1611 rear yard and res in 43% coverage. 892l 3926 Biddle Street. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15494 NH. 9-29-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. -. ' .... 3'1