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Development Services

Clairemont Park #2 Card 6

CLAIREMONT PARK #2 CARD 6.tif 003e:,9g- 60.S.2..3Y-l7l.3 CARD #6 Let 242- Permit to George C. & Audrey tla.llup to const 12t x 1st fam rm addn to exist. ~in fam res; addn to obs 181611 rear yard where a. 20' is required; a.t 5502 Mt. Acara. Dr. one R-1-5. ceadl. C-7316 8/13/65-------------------------------------------------------- Lot 437- Permit room addition to to Peter C, & Judity Nelson to const 12 14n x 32 1 obs 18 1 rear yard where 20 1 rear yd is req, 3996 C-7438 living and famkily Canning Ave. R-l-5 10-20-65------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 438- The Z. A. considered the req of S. D. Unified School Dist., owner & Dass Const. Co., lessee to maintain for a period not to exceed 1 yr, one unlighted, double-faced di- rectional 41 x 81 ground sign, & one 4' x 12 1 single-faced ground sign, advertising homes for sale in new subd. located approx 400 1 easterly where signs are pe:nn advert the sale or lease of premises on which located, ct. 3501 & 3507 Mt. Abbey Ave., respectively, Zone R-1-5 & has APPROVED the 4 1 x 8 1 sign at 3501 Mt. Abbey Ave., SE Corner of Mt. Acadia & Mt. Abbey, & has DENIED the 41 x 121 sign but APPROVED a 21 x 4' sign to be located at 3507 Mt, Abbey Ave., near the intersection of Mt. Abbey & Mt. Aachen, condl. C-7515 12/7/65---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 243- Permit to Anton R. & Mary Louise Jones to canst 14' x 18', 2-story fam rm and bedrm addn to exist sing fam res. C-8255 9/14/67