Clairemont Park #3 Card2
CLAIREMONT PARK #3 CARD2.tif CLAIREMONT PARl(UNIT # 3..z.3'/-1713,_ CARD #2 Lot 515- Permit to Jesse H. & Patricia A. Llewellyn to erect 6 1 high fence portion on an existing S' high ret.ming wall; fence to obs l' SB onMt. Acara Dr. where max 3' high fence is pennitted in the estab. 12' SB at 3501 Mt. Acomita Ave, NE Cor Mt. Acomita Ave & Mt. Acara Dr. Zone R-1-5. C-7363 9/3/65------------------------~---------------------------------- Lot 609- Permit to Gordon R. & Joann Jennings to coMt approx 121 x 29 1 family room addn to exist sing fam residence; addn to encroach 91 into req 20 1 rear yard, at 5566 Mt. Acara Dr., in Zone R-1-5, condl. C-7543 1/28/66 Lot 605- Permit to Clifford A. & Jerane McDonald to maintain 20 1 x 20 carport attached to exiat s;I.Dg tam res; carport to encroach,l-611 and eaves encroaching 21-6" into req 4 1 side yd, at 5540 Mt. Acara Dr., betw Mt . Abbey Av~. & Mt. Accamac Ave., Zone R-1-5. cue No. 7768 9,-1.8-66----------------------------------------------Lot 612- Z.A. considered IMENEED app of Keith J. & Betty B. Bruin to convert exist sun- shade structure to fam rm, resulting in an encroachment of 10 1 into req 20' rear yd, at 5573 Mt. Acara Dr., betw Mt. Accomac Ave. & Mt. Abbey Ave., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the encroachment as requested, but APPROVED encroachment of 7.5 1 Case No. 8474 12-12-67-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 518- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Magoski to const..:uct a 13' x 23 1 one stry den addtn and 51 x 21' utility room & 21 1 x 21,i. 1 two-bdrm w/bath over existing gar. & new utility rm; addn to exist single fam dwelling to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20 1 is req, at 3502 Mt. Acomita Ave bet Mt. Ackerly & Mt. Acara urs. ~one K-1-5 MP HJ972 ~ase #8930 NH 10-7-68 ..3