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Development Services

Clairemont Park Unit#2 Card 3

CLAIREMONT PARK UNIT#2 CARD 3.tif Card #3 " Lots 252 thru 256,437, 440 & 449- Permit to Clairemont Co. & Casey Const. Co. to erect signs, adv. & directional, ror 1 yr. Cases #1878- 9- 81- 2 6-6~58---------------------------- Lot 237- Permit DENIED to Casey Const. Co. to erect 3' x 5' direct. sign at Sly cor Mt. Abbey Ave. & Ackworth, R-1 Case #1880 6-6-58----------------------------------------------------------------Lot 267, Permit to Casey Const. Co. to complete res, ods. 7' 9" SB (10 1 req) at 3690 Mt. Abbey Ave. Zone R-1 Case #2107 10-24-58 Lot 436, Windsor Developers, Inc. to.maintain skid mounted, single- raced, unlighted 4' x 8 1 sign advertising homes for sale 3509 Mt. Acadia Blvd. R-1 for 6 mos. to expire 5-27-60 {DENIED request for 1 yr.) Case #2937 11-20-59------------------------------------ Lots 206, 207, 208, Permit to Windsor Develpers, Inc. to use 3 exist. sin ram dwellings as model homes & sales office for 6 mos. to expire 5-27-60, with temporary sign 2!x 4' on each res. at 3535, 3543, 3551 Mt. Acadia Blvd. R-1 {DENIED request {9r t rr.) Case fl 2982 12-11-59_)'f'"'-.,.~--..----- '-----~----- ~-' ~---,--~------------------------ Lot 350, Permit to Clairemont Co. to use exist sing ram res as tract off for Clarkmt Pk #2 & #3,, with one 3' x 5' sign design sales off attach to face of bldg, for 1 yr {but granted for only 6 mo,e.)!3862 Mt. Acadia Blvd. R-1 Condl Case\#3738 12-30-60--------------------------------------------------------------------12DIJ[D l I