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Development Services

Clairemont Plaza Card 3

CLAIREMONT PLAZA CARD 3.tif CLAIREMONT PLAZA (!> O 30fS""""-OO S ~-/709..... "'..............., CARD #3 Portions of Lots 2, 3 and 4 (Parcel 2)- Permit APPROVED by ZA to CONNECTICUT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, owner; WAYNE CARGO, D.V.M., lessee, to operate a veterinary clinic where such uses are permitted by Conditional Use Pennit only, at 3007A Clalremont Drive, Zone CA-S. Conditions. CUP 17903 1-28-83 Lots 2 & 3- CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY WITHDREW variance for location at NE--.,' corner of Clairemont Dr. & Burgener Blvd., Zone CA. C-18886 Withdrawn-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------