Clairemont Terrace # 2
CLAIREMONT TERRACE # 2.tif CLAIREMONT TERRACE UNIT 2 00&.2.CJO-oc.s t 7 l I Lot 16- Permit APPROVED w/conditions by ZA to THE RECTOR, WARDENS AND VESTRY OF DAVID'S PARISH OF SAN DIEGO to maintain (1) a pre-school for 40 children, Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, ages two to five with a staff of seven in an existing building on a site developed with a church facility where such is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only; (2) four parking spaces observing 0 1-0'' setback at the closest point where 10'-0" has been established along Milton Street; (3) a distance of approximately 28 1-0 11 between two driveways where 45 1-0" is the minimum distance required for driveways serving the same premises; (4) a ground sign S'S" high observing 0'-9" setback where 10'-0" has been established; (S) two directional signs 11 1-0'' high where 4'-0'' is the maximum height permitted and face of said signs 5 square feet where 2 square feet is the maximum permitted- 5050 Milton Street, R-3000. C-20605 11-16-90