Clairemont Terrace # 3 Card 1
CLAIREMONT TERRACE # 3 CARD 1.tif CLAIREK> NT TERRACE NO. 3 CJ0:37 30-00.S CARO #I " Lot 29- Permit to Burgener & Tavares to const res & att garage obs 12' sB for por of gar where 15' is req SE cor Lister & Grandview Ste. R-1 (12' SB on Lister). C-1753 3-28-58 Lot 24- Clairemont Co. permitted to maint & use residence for model nome & gar for real estate off, witn 1 sign 2' x 4' back of SB area at 2403 Grandview St., Zone R-1 for 3 montns period (Denied for 6 mos & 2 signs 2' x 2') C-2947 11-27-59 Lot 24- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to ROBERT A. & ELVA JENKINS to construct a 234 sq. ft, guest house on lot with existing single-family dwelling, at 2403 Grandview Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. CUP 17678 7-9-82 Lot 22- AGREEMENT to BOB AND PAT SCHMITT to construct a bedroom and bath addition above existing garage attached to a single-family dwelling, with access down stairs into dining room extension and into garage, located at 2357 Grandview Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #3028 12-27-83-,