Clairemont Unit# 10 Card 2
CLAIREMONT UNIT# 10 CARD 2.tif CARD #2 Lot 2109- Z.A. considered the app of Thelma T . Golden, owner, and University Cit:r, lessee, to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed one;year one single- raced, unlighted, post- mounted,.tree- standing 101 x JO' direct. sign with J 1x15' rider above adv. homes.tor sale, over-all height or sign 20 1 with 71 distance from base of sign to grnd level and obs 0 1 SB frOlll Moraga Ave., at 3355-57 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Zone R-2, where 10' SB is estab on subd map and sign max of 8 sq. f't. in area offering premises for sale is perm. and has DENIED the 101 x JO' sing but approved a sign a max of J I x 51 Condl. Cass #4907-08 5-29-62 Lot 2109- z.A. has DENIEgthe app or Thelma T. Golden, owner, and University City, lessee, to erect an'a'maintain tor a period not to exceed one year one single- faced., unlighted, post- mounted, 6 1 x 121 directional sign advertising homes tor sale in University City, a new subdivision; sign and post to observe 21 SB on Moraga Ave. where 10 1 is established at 3355-57 Cl&iremont Mesa Blvd ., Zone R-2., where max 8 sq. rt. sign offering premises for sale or advertising church ispermited. o ' , cases 15289 Mg 5299 1-'1=63 Lot 2166-w)leA Permit to Mesa Vista Management Co. to maintain for a period not to exceed one year exist rental sales office for Cl&iremont units and exist 6 12" x 8 1 free standing sign far,:ackww) mounted 31" high, both perm, by Zone Var Case #445, eXp, where max 8 ft.sign for school, church or for sale is perm, at 3570-72 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.m Zone R-2, condl. ext. to 9-1-65 Case #5926 8-19-63