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Development Services

Clairemont Unit# 11 Card 1

CLAIREMONT UNIT# 11 CARD 1.tif Cl.A I REHONT UN IT #11 Lot 2379- Permit to Mrs. Juanita Lucki to maint 31' of redwood fence, SB where max 31 hi fence is perm in a 15' estab SB at 3266 Ogalala Ave & Moraga Avenues, Zone R-1-5. C-10228 NH 8 1 hi, obs 10' betw Lake Forest 12-4-70-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 2382- Permit DENIED by ZA to TOM, RENATE, and WILLIAM SCHLOH to construct a 3-story, guest house on a lot with existing one-story, single-family dwelling, at 3310 Ogalala Avenue, Zone R-1-5. CUP 17127 2-27-81 Lot 2366- AGREEMENT to STEVE AND BETTY FRANKUM to construct a one bedroom and family room addition with bar sink and bath to an existing single-family resident, located at 3107 Ogalala Avenue, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #3018 12-6-83