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Development Services

Clairemont Unit# 12 Card 2

CLAIREMONT UNIT# 12 CARD 2.tif " CLAIREMONT UNIT #12 OC,Jq '!:I-/ ~.l(Q. 170(CARD #2 Lot 2406- TABLED request or Mr. Wm. Stitzel, owner and Dass Const. Co., Inc., lessee to erect and maintain tor a period not to exceed one year, one single- faced tree- standing 8 x 24 1 unlighted directional sign advertising homes in Campanile Homes, Uni verai ty City", a new subd.. Case #4528 5-10-62 Lot 2406- Z.A. considered the app of John J. and Clarice B. Gillis and Wm Stitzel, ovnera, and Univ. City, Inc., lessee, to maintain for a period not to exceed 1 yr, one single- faced, unlighted, post- mounted 81 x 16 1 direct sign advert homes in Univ City new subdivisions, at 4751 Jutland Dr., Zone R-2, where sign max of 8 sq, rt. offering premises for sale and max. 8 sq. rt. sign back of SB for churches, etc., is perm and DENIED the req and said sign is to be removed, a long with the riders, within fifteen days from date of filing res in office of City Clerk; but a direct sign a max or 6 1 x 10' is APPROVED, Condl. Case H5578 4-26-63 Lot 2406- pemit to Wm Stitzel, owner and Deelan Corp., lessee, to erect and mantain.for a period not to exceed 1 yr., 1 single faced, unlighted 3' x 3' direct. arrow sign; top to be approx 9' above ground and 1 sing faced, unlighted 3' x 3 1 direct. arrow sign; top to be approx 6 above ground; both signs advert Highland Gardens, a new subd., where max 8 sq.ft. sign offering premises for aa1e or lease and max 20 sq. rt. church sign is perm, at 4753 Jutland Dr., cor of Jutland Dr. and Luna Ave., Zone R-2, condl. 6 mos. ext. to exp. 6-1-66 {11-24-65) Case #681+6 11-20-64