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Development Services

Clairemont Unit# 12 Card 3

CLAIREMONT UNIT# 12 CARD 3.tif Card #3-- "10 Lot 2802- Permit to Mrs. Carolyn Ryan, owner: Deelan Corp., lessee, to erect & maintain for a period not to exceed one year, one double faced, unlighted directional arrow sign advertising Higllland Gardens, a new subd.; top of sign to be approx 4 1 611 above ground where max 8 sq. ft. sign offering premises for sale or lease & max 20 sq. ft. sign offering premises for sale is perm at 3391-93 Idlewild Way at the SW cor of Moraga Ave. & Idlewild Way, Zone R-2, condl._________________________________________ case #845____________________ 11-20-64______ Lot 2693- Permit DENIED to Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Russell to erect 6 1 high brick and wood fence obs 0' setback on Fawn Ave. where max 3' high fence in estab 15' SB is perm at 4603 Isleta Ave. at SE Cor Fawn Ave. & Isleta Ave, Zone R-1-5, Appeal Denied 9-9-65 Case #7248 7-31-65------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2822- Permit DENIED to Richard D. & Ruth Austin to maintain approx 8o 1 of 6 1 high wood slat fence encro from 0' to 12' in estab 12' SB where a 3' high fence is perm at 3337 Hopi Pl, at its intersection at the SE cor with Kamloop Ave., Zone R-1-5,_______________________________________________ Case #82~7_N.H.________ 7-10-67________ Lot 2486- Permit DEN[E]) to Mr, & Mrs, Glen E. Bosworth for,perm to const fam rm, bedrm & 1/2 bath addtn to rear of exist dwell, addt to obs 9' RY where 15' is req, 3133 Mandan Way._______________________________________________ C-8282 NH____________ 8-25:6]__________