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Clairemont Unit# 12 Card 9

CLAIREMONT UNIT# 12 CARD 9.tif cLAIREMONT UNIT 1112 oo~eLi ~ ~--1;01.. CARD II 9 '14- Lot 2789- AGREEMENT with David B. and Victoria M. Vanderhook to convert an existing garage to a family room with a laundry room. Exterior access from laundrv room a~d family-..oom; ~nternal access to kitchen area and dinin" room. Replacement: parking for one standard space in interior si~e yard adjacen~ to ram;ly room, located at 3327 La Junta Avenue, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT #5192 11/19/91 Lot 2431, HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT, Approved by SCA, QUA DANG, OWNER, VINCENT CHEUNG, APPLICANT, Request to establish a home occupation deviating from operational regulations in that customer contact will occur at the residence. Located at 4855 Hidalgo Avenue, R-3000 Zone 98-8772 9-14-98----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------