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Development Services

Clairemont Unit# 15 Card 2

CLAIREMONT UNIT# 15 CARD 2.tif CLAIREMONT_ UNIT lh5 Card lf2. West 20' of Lot 3109- Request WITHDRAWN by Union Title Ins, & Tr. Co; Burgener- Tavares to use property for building for automatic coin dispensing of ice, Zone R-4 which permits multiple dwellings, limited doctors & dentists' offices, on NW corner Clairemont Dr, & Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Case #2100 10-17-58 Lot 3086- Permit to John G. & Margaret Ma:nnet to develop por of lot, per plans, for supplemental park for apt bldg on Lot 3085, adj northerly, at 4580 Clairemont Dr., betw Joplin Ave. & Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Zone R-4, Cond'l. Case #8499 1-11-68- Lot 3085- Permit DENIED to Farmers-Ins. Gr.,- lessee & John G. Marmet,- owner to ~-n c erect one free-standing, double-faced int. illum. 4 1 x6 1 ID sign, overall height 14', poi~ to obs. a 2' setback & edge of sign to project 1' over public right-of-way, where a 12' setback is established and sign must be attached to face of building and not exceed 18 sq. ft., and encroaching into req. landscape strip; (2) maintain existing 420 sq. ft. of lawn on nortb:,side of property where 500 sq. ft. of landscaping is req. abutting pub. sts; at 4588 Clairemont Dr. bet. Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and Joplin Ave., Zone-CO Case #10432 5-12-71 ~- 1-i-Ll:.7..1"------------------- ----------------------------------- Lot 3065- Permit to Martin c. Vanboskirk, Owner and John G, Marmet, purch to provide parking for use of commercial office building across alley to the east in the CO zone- at 4591 Gila Avenue betw Clairemont Dr and Pocohontas Ave. in the R-4 zone, Cond'l. ~~--o/--Z-A.,'3-~7-~-Cz~L~.?..f')___ ~_(q-:g""~_zq=:::~~----------===:=~~---------.s-