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Development Services

Clairemont Unit# 15 Card 3

CLAIREMONT UNIT# 15 CARD 3.tif CLAIREMONT #15 OO!OOR Lot 1328 Permit to Muriel Stutesman to constr 2nd story recreation room addn with bar sink to exist sin fam dwell at 4440 Mt. Alifan Dr. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2015 11-8-74 Lot 3o61- Permit to Arthur & Margrita Van Etten to install bar sink in exist laundry room of single family dwelling at 4559 Gila Ave. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2038 3-3-75----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por 3083 & all 3084- Conditional Use Permit to Clairemont Rental Properlties, Permittee & David H. Garfield, Owner to reconst & oper exist serv sta located SE cor Cla.iremont Dr & Clairemont Mesa Btvd., Zone CN 383-PC 6-26-73 Lot 1326, Map #3970- AGREEMENT to Robt. D. & Shirley A. Abbey to constr a rec rm addn with bar sink at 4470 Mt. Alifan Drive, Zone R-1-5 AGREE #2321 l l /77 Lots 3109 and 3110- CUP to Union Oil Co. of California to const and operate a gasoline sales facility located at the northwest corner of Clairemont Drive and Claireoont Mesa Blvd. and a walkway vacated. CN Zone. 502-PC. 3-23-78,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 3082- Permit to Richard K. & Evelyn Stacer to construct and operate a PCD on the south side of Clairemont Mesa Blvd betw Clairemont Mesa Dr. and Pocahontas Ave. R-3 (proposed CO) Zone. PCD #43. 3-23-7H.--------------------------------,.--------------------------------------------------------