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Development Services

Clairemont Unit#5 Card 6

CLAIREMONT UNIT#5 CARD 6.tif CLAIREMONT /15 ()0~'-IG'-5 o\JO-)i~ Card #6 l5 Lot 823- ZA considered the zone variance sought by Barry T. and Carol M. Sanberg, and DENIED the variance as requested but APPROVED to pennit a 1'-0" encroachment into the 15'-0" established front yard, located at 3217 Geronimo Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. Conditions. C-20652 11/09/90 Lot 533- AGREEMENT with Brian R. Juhnke and Richard L. Turek to construct second story addition to an existing single-family dwelling; said addition to include family room with bar sink, located at 4634 Huron Street, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT //5211 12/05/91 Lot 784- AGREEMENT with Agnes Peterson to construct a one-story addition to an existing one, story, singlefamily dwelling; said addition containing a bedroom. closet, one full bath and one 3/4 bath. with exterior access and interior access from an existing living room via hallway, located at 3318 Mohican Avenue, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT# 5228 12/20/91---------------------------------------------------------------------------------