Clairemont Unit#6 Card 1
CLAIREMONT UNIT#6 CARD 1.tif CLAIREMJNT OBIT #6 (;~ c,5 s~~-no"'..,:-,'\ Card fl Lot 978- approx 450' NE from inter of Rappahannock,\permit to Burgener-Tavares to maint 2 quonset huts & 3 airport bldg, condl for l yr Res. 6517 6-11-52 Lots 974-977- Permit DENIED to Vista Park Land Co. to erect model homes {one on each lot) with sign on lOts 974 & 977, on SW cor Clairemont Dr. &: Rappahannock Ave. Res. 8568-8571 10-27- 54 Lots 974-977- Permit to Vista Park Land Co. to erect model nomes (one on each lot) for one yr, with signs on lots 974 & 977, on SW cor Clairemont Dr. & Rappahannock Ave. (parking to be provided) Res. 8590-8593 11-10-54 Por Lot 978 ~ Permit to St. Mark Methodist Chruch to const church bldg at 3502 Claire- mont-Dr. & to prmit const of l duplex or 2 sin fam res on the adj 53' parcel to the NW Res. 8740 2-2755 Por Lot 978- Permit to So. Claif. District of Lutheran Church to const churcn bldg at... 3-432 Clairemont_ Dr. &. to permit const of l duplex or 2 sin fam res on adj 81' parcel \/ to SE a,...... f..,{. 3-..;?.;i.- 7 7, Res. 8741 2-2-55- Por Lot 978- Permit to St. Mark's Methodist Cnurch to const free-stand;icJ[D sign, 8 x 12' with indirect lighting at 3502 Clairenont Dr. R-2_. ' KO. C=l581 '1-3-58 Parcel 4-AGREEMENT with Barbara Jones to construct a second story addition over a garage attached to single family dwelling containing a living room-~ deck with exterior and inter ior access. AGREE# 3809. 9/3/87