Clairemont Unit#6 Card 2
CLAIREMONT UNIT#6 CARD 2.tif CLAIREMowr unir #6 CARD #2 Lot 939- Permit to Jas P. Kany to erect 4' column above exist base with 2' SB on Sioux Ave. & 3' wall above base in SB area, with 3 16" gate, 3476 Shawnee Rd. R-1 C-1742 3-21-58 II Lot 892- Permit to Howard J. & Patricia Livermore to const 26' x 28 1 detached garage obs 16' rear yd (20! req) 4151 Pridemore Pl., R-1 C=4448 N.H. 10-9-61 Lot 940- Permit to Eugene c. & Gloria M, Kensinger to erect retain wall ranging in ht to 5'5" encro. 15' into the estab 15' SB on Sioux Ave. where max 3' hi wall is perm, at 4080 Sioux Ave., 100 1 westerly of Shawnee Rd., R-1-5 condl c-7683 4-27-66 Lot 978- Permit to St. Marks Metnod 1st Chruch in Clairemont to erect &: ma int. one 35 sq ft free-standing, sin faced cnurch sign under 6' in ht. where max 20 sq ft sign is perm at 3530 Clairemont Dr. betw Dakota Dr. &, Rappahannock Ave. R-2 C-7'791 8-4-66 Lot 952- Permit to Robt. C. & Lois Wneeler to constr addl bedrm & bath.. to exist sin tam dwell obs 13 16" rear yd where 20' rear yd is req, on Lot 952 at 4001 Mark Terrace, NWly of Snawnee Rd. R-1-5 condl c-8144 6-13-67