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Development Services

Clairemont Unit#7 Card 1

CLAIREMONT UNIT#7 CARD 1.tif CLAIREK>!M.' UNIT #7 s.;utJ.,,oq Card #1..33 Lot 11 75- to Hobart Inv. Co to oper temporary real estate office at 4202 Ute Dr (c. Glenn Mitchell, pur) for 6 mo with 1 sign as shown. Res. 8336 7-7-54 Lot 1203- Permit to Clairemont Business Prop. Co. to operate prescription pharmacy in a medical & dental center, Clairemont Dr. Zone R-4 condl Res. 8659 12-22-54 Por Lot 1203- DEBIED to Clairemont Bus. Prop Co to have a door opetning to public st & a asign on the prescription pharmacy granted on Res. 8659 ABOVE Clairemont Dr. Res. 8815 3-16-55 Por Lot 1203- Res No. 8815 ABOVE to Clairemont Bus. overruled, & permission granted, conditionally Propp. Co. appealed & Bd. of Z.A. CC Res. 125618 4-7-55 Por Lot 1203- CC Res 125618 above to Clairemont Bus Prop Co rescinded by CC Res. 126105 Lot 1184- Perm.i to Clairemont Bus Prop to erect 1 standard 6' neon pole electroliers with O' SB on both Balboa Ave. & Clairemont Dr. condl 5-3-55 sign & 3 6-8-55 Res. 8976 Permit to const & operate gas serv eta with 3 islands, wash & grease Res. 8975 rack, & off bldg 6-8-55 P!:;f'l1it to Clairemont Business Properties, Owner & G.W. Dunster, Lessee, to oper auto t.tiune up shop, 3895 Clairemont Dr., Zone CN. Res 8975 5-14-76