Clairemont Unit#7 Card 4
CLAIREMONT UNIT#7 CARD 4.tif Card f+ " Lot 1184- To Clairemont Rental Pro, Dave Garfield & American Hs Guild for 1 yr, 2 exist post mount sing face, unlight 4' x 8' direc signs for Balboa Homes at 3895 Claire- mont Dr. betw Ute Dr. &: Balboa Ave. RC- DENIED 2 sing face but APPROVE l dble face 41 x 8' condl c-5859 8-12-63 Lot 1184- Permit to Clairemont Business Orop. owner & Tidewater Oil co., lessee to erect 10' diameter, circular, revolving, dble-faced neon lighted, 26' hi, pole sign; edge of sign to obs 0' SB front :pole:. to obs 4' SB at base & top of pole to obs 2 '6" SB where 10' SB is estab on Balboa Ave. & 12' SB estab on Clairemont Dr.&: signs are rel! to be attached to face of bldg; exist signs perm under Res. 8975 & 76 to be removed & lights installed in remaining poles, at 3895 Clairemont Dr., SE cor of Balboa Ave. Zone RC, condl c-6027-.28 10-22-63 Amended 12-21-65 Lot 1184- Permit to Clairemont Bus. Prop. own&: 1st Nat'l Bank of S.D., lessee to erect 12' hi by 10' wide, revolving, intet&or, lighted, dble plastic faced pole sigg bottom of sign 24' above grade with pole obs 6' SB edge of sign obs l' SB, where sign is req to be att to face of bldg & not proj above eaves & back of 12' SB at 3877 Clalre- mont Dr., 150' S of Balboa Ave., RC c-6079-80 11-8-63 Lot 1184- Permit to Clairemont Rental Prop own & 1st Nat'l Bank of SD. lessee to erect.,-/ 20" x 30' sign to face of bldg on par with exist 12' x 10' grnd sign permitted by c-607Q making a total of 178 sq ft sign area on p!9mises where max of 34 sq ft sign att t6 face Of the bldg is perm with no ground s11n perm on premises at 3877 Clairemont Dr. Sly of Balboa Ave. RC c-6389 4-2-64