Clairemont Unit#7 Card 7
CLAIREMONT UNIT#7 CARD 7.tif Cl,AIRDl)IT UlfI'l' t[CARD #7 Lot 1158- Permit to Joe & Janice Lopez to erect approx 15' of 2' high chain link fence on top of exist 6' bigb. solid concrete wall along tb.e nortb. property line wnere a max 6 bigb. fence ia perm in req 4.f interior side yard; at 3857 Tanabawk Lane betw Stacy Place and ute St. Zone R-1-5. cond 'L c-1o86o 11-11-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1135- Permit to Ells to constr fam room addn witb bar sink to exist sin fam dwell; at 38~Tomahawk. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1798 10-3-72 Por. Lot 1164- The Zoning Administrator has considered the req of Clairemont Rental Properties to eliminate approx 100' of concrete block. wall where such wall is req. adjacent to residentially zoned property to the east, on Balboa Avenue, southeast, cor of Clairemont Drive, Zone CP; and has DENIED as requested, butt APPROVED elimination of approx 40' of the severly damaged nq.rtherly portion of the blbck wall,- Cond'l. ~,t; ~ i-/- 7&(&.--'-0-1sJ C-12, 557. 5-8-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Lots I 185, 1186 and 1187- REFUNDED to Clairemont Rental Properties to develop property as a restaurant with drive-thru facilities where no drive-in or drive-thru's are permitted, at 3892 Clairemont Drive, Zone CN. C-13,754 6-15/76- Lots 1185-1187,- Clairemont Rental Properties, Owner; Hackbarth-Jameson for a pe~~lt-t-;,---- construct & operate a Planned Commercial Dev at W. side of Clairemont Dr b t B lb A & Ute Dr., Zone CN. 6, e wn a oa v. PCD-2 1/12/77