Clairemont Unit#9 Card 2
CLAIREMONT UNIT#9 CARD 2.tif Card#. "' Lot 1834- Permit to Clairemont Village Inc to maint res with porch having 12' SB at 4320 Tecumseh St. Res. 7580 7-8-53 Lots 1561, 1562 & N 12.76 of Lot 1560- Z.A. considered app of Tabur Apts own & Texas Co., lessee to const & operate serv stat with signs as shown on plans submitted, one sign each on blig, over pump island, & on light standard; & to const 4 light standards & two signs obs O' SB where 10' & 12' SBs are req, with one sign to proj 5' over public property at SE cor of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. & Clairemont Dr., Zone RC-lA, and has DENIED the req for sign to proj over public prop but APPROVED the other requests subj to conds cases 2718 & 2719 8-18-59 Amended 5-16-68 Lot 1559 exc the Sly 26.24 1 thereof, & on the Sly 36.24' of Lot 1560- Permit to Mrs, Lois Wilson, own & Ross G, Tharp & Oury E. Hatfield, attorneys, lessees, to maint exist free standing, double faced, unlighted 40" x 44" sign mounted on 3' high legs; sign obs O' SB on Clairemont Dr. where 12' is estab at 4585 Clairemont Dr. betw Feather Ave & Clairemont Mesa Dr,, Zone RC-lA where no structres are perm in req SB c-6209 & 10 1-15-64 Lot 1559 exc the Sly 26.24' thereof, & the Sly 36.24 1 of Lot 1560- Permit DENIED to Mrs Lois Wilao~. own & Waters & Assoc. Inc.J lessee to erect 6 &maint one neon lighted, clouole-raced j')('l- 1 actvertising sign witll.douole faced 15" x ' rider a on top sign & continued on card #3