Clairemont Unit#9 Card 3
CLAIREMONT UNIT#9 CARD 3.tif Card #3 Continued from card #2- rider att at right angles to face of exist bldg, & one 4' x 8 1 changeable letter rear estate listing board sign att to face of bldg total sign area approx 50 sq ft at 4583 Clairemont Dr. betw Feather Ave. & Clairemont Mesa Dr., Zone RC-lA where sign att to face of bldg (see code) is perm & area of all signs on premises is limited to 30 sq ft- imposed following requirements: (1) that all exist free-standing signs in conaec with this business shall be removed within 10 days of the filing of this resolution. c-6208 1-29-64 ABOVE APPEALED but appeal withdrawn 3-16-64 C-6208 3-16-64 Lot 1559 & 60- Permtto Mrs. M. Pound & Mrs. Lois Wilson to remove existing duplex & construct off. & store bldg on parcel w/ bldg area approx 41.54~ & usable parking area approx 58.4~ where bldg area ehall not be greater than 1/3 usable parking area including driveway & off-st loading access on Nly 23.76 1 Lot, 36.24 1 Lot, at 4583 Clairemont Dr. East side betw Clairemont Mesa Dr. & Joplin Ave. Zone RC-lA 6 mos ext to exp 6-12-65 (12-1-64) c-6496 6-12-64 Sly 26.24' of Lot 1559 & Nly 33.76 1 of Lot 1558- Sly 26.24' of Lot 1560 & Nly 23.76 1 of Lot 1559- Condl permit to Edgar A. & Lois Wilson to (C-6939) develop & maint par for parking lot in connec with proposed stores & office bldgs to be const in RC-lA zone adj north (see C-6496), (off-street parking for perm R-4 zone uses on same lot only perm) 4577 Clairemont Dr., Zone R-4 (c-6940) to remove exist duplex & const store & office bldgs resulting in bldg ratio of approx 5~ to parking ratio of approx 44~ where bldg area shall not be greater than 33.:,,, of usable auto parking area including driveways, UD planting strips & off-street loading ramps; & erect & maint the following 1ITlpY signs; ABOVE CASE C0ITINUED on CARD #4