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Clairemont Unit#9 Card 6

CLAIREMONT UNIT#9 CARD 6.tif ~--&.S. CLAIREHONT UNIT #9 CARO #f, Lot 1657- AGREEMENT to SCOTT ANO PATRICIA CAMBLIN to construct room addition with bathroom and exterior entrance to existing single-family dwelling, located at 4555 Quantico Avenue, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2934 6-9-83 Lot 1867- AGREEMENT with JERRY SWEETMAN to constr. one-story, two-bedroom addn having outside entrance to exist. SFD at 4360 Vallejo Ave., Zoned Rl-5000. AGREEMTNT #3259 3/20/85------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1674, AGREEMENT to Cyril E.Beard and Betty R. Beard to construct a family room, master bedroom with full bath. Both the family room and master bedroom to have outside access. Located at 4285 Saginaw Ave, Zone Rl-5000 Lot 1862- Agreement with Ted & Karen Safford to construct a new dining room area and master bedroom with access from kitchen. The master bedroom will have access to the rear yard area. 4320 Vallejo, Zone R-1-5000 A-3779 07-30-87