Clairemont Village #1 Card 2
CLAIREMONT VILLAGE #1 CARD 2.tif CLAIREK)ll VILLAGE fl 00 300 <{-60 s,, Lot183- Permit to Lowell R. & Dorotlly w. McManan to teacn music {piano, organ & voice) lessons in nom.e Monday tnru Friday, 9roo AM tot 9:00 P,M. for approx 60 students per week at 3810 Gila Ct at end of cul-de-sac west of Gila Ave., Zone~R-l-5 condl C-9547 10-22-69-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 35- AGREEMENT to Mr. & Mrs. J. Stone to constr recreation room addn w/bar sink to exist sin fam dwell at 4151 Chippawa, in the R-1-5 zone. A-1652 9-3-70 Lot 14- Permit to Charles C. and Linda G. Gillam to const fam rm add to ex sin fam dwel add to obs II' rear yd where 20' is req at 4002 Gros Ventre ave. C-13644 5-27-76 Lot 71- AGREEMENT with Jerry L. Murray to construct a one story addition to an existing one story single family dwelling. Addition to consist of 2 bedrooms and have both external and internal accesses. Property located at 4072 Datcho Drive. Rl-5000 Zone. A-4457 11-13-89 JI