Clairemont Villas # 3
CLAIREMONT VILLAS # 3.tif ', ', '. CLAIREM0NT VILLAS No: 3 00 3 J(fq- 00.5 2 c./'f-17/ / Lot 238- Permit to S.D. Unified School Distric.t to move in 5 portable classrm bldgs IJ1 & facilities for school purposes, on Lehrer Dr betw Baxter & Diane Ave, R-1 Res. No. 9345 12/21/55 N of Lot 238- Permit to San Diego Univied School Dist. to const & operate elementary school on por c:,f P.L. lz4,-, at Lehrer Dr., Baxter St. & Dian Ave,R-1 Cross-indexed under P.L. 12~> a mo. ext. Case #1150 4/29/57 lpt J82- Considered A.Z. and Jessie Eiland application to remove exist 3' high chain 1 ink fence and erect 5' high sol id redwood fence observ 0' setback from Appleton St., where max 3' high fence is permitted in SB at 5049 Cadet St. R-1 Zone-- After consideration of fact, has DENIED 0' SB, but approved 5' high fence observ a 6 1 SB. Cond'l Case No. 5336 Lot 190- Tne Z.A. nas considered tne AMENDED request of Alfred & Anne Damien to constr a 23' x 26 1 family room and den addition on top of exist garage; stairway to obs 2' interior side yard and a distance of 3' between living areas wnere a 4' side yard and 6 1 betw liv areas is req, at 5056 Diane Ave betw Appleton and Aberdeen Streets, Zone R-1-5; nas DENIED the 2' side yard but APPROVED 3' distance betw Liv areas where 6 1 is req, subject to ccnditions. C-11401 8-21-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 218- Permit to Edward and Joanne Pierce, Sr to constr 2nd story fam room, bath & bedroom addn above exist garage witn bar sink in family room at 4764 Aberdeen St. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1816 12-13-72 17